Introducing PAN, The Pacific Ancient Numismatists
We are an association of collectors dedicated to the advancement of Ancient Numismatists in the Pacific Northwest.
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UPDATE! PAN scheduled an in-person meeting on Sunday, May 7, 2023, at 2 p.m., at the Kirkland Library. Subsequent meetings will be announced. Sam Fahrer is the contact for PAN (see below).
PAN monthly meetings were previously held at the Bellevue Public Library on the 2nd Sunday (except June-August) beginning at 1:00 PM. Programs were presented by members and guests on a wide variety of subjects related to life in the ancient world.
Although many PAN members are experienced collectors and some are professional dealers, beginners are encouraged to join and participate in all club activities. Membership in PAN will enhance a collector’s knowledge and appreciation of the hobby while opening up opportunities for new acquisitions.
Annual dues were/are $7.00 payable to PAN. When joining PAN, please include your name, mailing address, and any additional contact information you wish to give. (e.g., phone numbers, e-mail, etc.)
Primary contact:
Pacific Ancient Numismatists
c/o Sam Fahrer
E-mail or
Phone 206-526-5376 or 206-499-1572 (cell).
See related stories:
Compilation of articles about ancient coins by Joseph Kleinman, Pacific Ancient Numismatists (PAN). An introductory article, and 16 subsequent articles in the compilation, were first published in The Nor’wester from 2000 to 2005. (PDF file)
Other ancient coin sites:
Ancient Coin Club of Chicago
Ancient Coin Club of Los Angeles
Ancient Coin Collectors Guild (opposing import restrictions on ancient coins)
Ancient Money: A Photographic Study (online resource for ancient coins & antiquities)
Classical Coins (another dealer site with a lot of reference material)
Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. (dealer site)
CoinArchives (archive of ancient and world coin auctions)
Forum Ancient Coins (a dealer site with a lot of reference material)
Numismatica Ars Classics
Roman Coins Information
Twin Cities Ancient Coin Club