2013 | 2014 (current page) | 2015
Relive the Memories! (Historical information & reports):
Conventions & Coin Shows | Exhibits | Memorabilia | Newsletters
Another great year! 2014 was another great year for the PNNA, with the usual conventions in Tukwila and Portland, plus other activities, and the continuation of planning for the March 2015 ANA show in Portland.
The ANA National Money Show is coming to Portland, March 5-7, 2015, at the Oregon Convention Center! Information about purchasing the commemorative medal for this show appeared on the homepage.
The PNNA-Willamette Coin Club 10th Annual Fall Convention & Coin Show was held October 11-12, 2014, in Portland, OR, with dealer and exhibitor setup on Friday, October 10. Free copies of The Nor’wester were available, and Portlandia medals were for sale.

Washington State (Puyallup) Fair! The PNNA had a booth in the Hobby Hall during the full duration of the Fair, September 5-21, 2014.
The 65th Annual PNNA Convention was held May 2-4, 2014, in Tukwila, WA. As always, the PNNA show featured a large active bourse, exhibits, numismatic theater and club meetings, and a popular young numismatist (YN) program! ANACS (grading service) also attended again this year.
National Coin Week! ANA National Coin Week was April 20-26, 2014, with the theme Coin & Country: Celebrating Civic Service. We hope you were able to participate!
Newsletters / Other News
Newsletter Updates! The 1st Quarter 2015 12-page edition of The Nor’wester was mailed by Dec. 26, 2014, or see the online editions page for this and previous editions.
PNNA scholarship applications for the 2015 ANA Summer Seminar are due March 1 – see the 1st Quarter Nor’wester. The winners for 2014 were previously announced and wrote interesting reports.
The 4th Quarter 2014 16-page fall convention edition of The Nor’wester was mailed on Sept. 24. The 3rd Quarter 2014 12-page edition of The Nor’wester should have arrived by July 3.
In Memoriam – We regret that several prominent PNNA members have passed away recently, including longtime Seattle-area coin dealer Gene Henry and past ANA Seattle and Portland convention general chairman Larry Rowe. See the memorial page.
The 1st Quarter 2014 edition of The Nor’wester should have been received (for those who subscribe in paper form), and contains the 2014 PNNA scholarship application. The 2nd Quarter 2014 16-page convention edition of The Nor’wester was mailed on April 1. It included the PNNA election ballot for the 2014-2016 term.