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Happy Holidays from the PNNA! The 1st Quarter 2009 edition of The Nor’wester was edited and copied and mailed to PNNA members as soon as weather conditions permitted! (See online editions page for this and other back issues.)

Award! Lisa Loos (left) and Eric Holcomb (right) receive an ANA Presidential Certificate of Appreciation from ANA Governor Walt Ostromecki (center) at the 2008 PNNA-Willamette Annual Fall Convention & Coin Show, Oct. 18, 2008.
In Memoriam – The American Numismatic Association regrets to announce the passing of Retired Lt. Col. Adna G. Wilde Jr., former ANA president, Board member, executive director, treasurer and parliamentarian. He died on the morning of Nov. 17 in Colorado Springs. He was 88.
Scout Numismatic Workshops being Organized. (This is for both Boy and Girl Scouts!!) Note: Link has been revised to scouting page on the new PNNA website, as of 2020.
Numismatic markets remain strong in hard times! – Heritage Auctions, which bills itself as “The World’s Largest Collectibles Auctioneer,” reports that “People are panicked in many corners — and rightly so — but not here at Heritage,” and “Collectibles, especially coins, remain extremely liquid.”
Puyallup Fair! – This annual event began Friday, Sept. 5 and ran until Sunday, Sept. 21. The PNNA was again represented in the Hobby Hall, with volunteers available to answer questions and give out free world coins to kids.
ANA Convention! – The annual World’s Fair of Money® (ANA Anniversary Convention) was held July 30-Aug. 3, 2008, in Baltimore, Maryland. Several PNNA members were in attendance. See a brief report.
Nor’wester Mailed – The 3rd Quarter 2008 PNNA newsletter, The Nor’wester, was mailed the week of June 23 and should have arrived in members’ mailboxes! It includes a report on the PNNA convention (see below), plus a president’s message from newly elected PNNA president Lisa Loos!
Summer is Here! – The summer season does not mean that your numismatic activities have to stop; check out information on the ANA’s annual Summer Seminar and World’s Fair of Money®. Closer to home, there are some coin shows, and many coin clubs have summer social events.
National Coin Week – April 20-26 was National Coin Week, with the theme Money Makes the World Go Round.
Convention – The annual PNNA Convention was held April 4-6, 2008, in Tukwila, Washington. This was an exciting well-attended event, with a large active bourse, exhibits, and a popular young numismatist (YN) program!
Nor’wester Mailed – The 2nd Quarter 2008 PNNA newsletter, The Nor’wester, was mailed by Saturday, March 22. This was the annual convention special edition, which also included a ballot for PNNA officers that needed to be returned by April 1 due to the early convention dates (April 4-6).

Convention Token! – The PNNA was pleased to once again offer custom designed and struck “tokens” for its 2008 annual convention. This year the design again included a Gallery Mint replica of a U.S. coin design!
Scholarships! Scholarship applications for the 2008 ANA Summer Seminar in Colorado Springs, Colorado were due Saturday, March 15. The winner, PNNA past president Larry Gaye, was announced at the PNNA convention.