PNNA Presidential Awards given by PNNA President Danny Bisgaard

2012 — Lisa Loos. As the new President, Danny presented a Presidential Award to Lisa Loos, along with honorary lifetime membership in the PNNA, in gratitude for Lisa’s service as two-term President.
2013 – Mike Labosier (right) received a PNNA Presidential Award from Danny Bisgaard (left). Mike has served as general chairman of the past several spring conventions.

2014 — Mike Labosier (right) received another PNNA Presidential Award from Danny Bisgaard (left). Mike just stepped down from his position as PNNA secretary. As noted above, he received an award in 2013 for service as convention chairman.

2014 — Rick Schulz (left), PNNA board member, Puyallup Fair coordinator and “penny squisher,” received a PNNA Presidential Award from Danny Bisgaard (right). The award also recognizes his management of the PNNA’s new traveling display.
2014 PNNA presidential awards were also presented to the following individuals not photographed receiving the award at the Tukwila spring convention: Gene Henry (for donations of Washington commemorative medals) and Scott McClaine (for cent donations for the elongating machine).

2015 PNNA presidential awards were presented to committee members for the March 2015 ANA National Money Show in Portland: Scott Loos, Eric Holcomb, Gene Wiley, Larry Gaye, James Free, James Reinders, John Brown, Rick Schulz, Ed Fischer, Suzanne Gaye, Scott McClaine. (Not in same order as in photo. Missing from photo: Gene, Suzanne and Scott M.)

(Top to Bottom) 2016 PNNA presidential awards were presented to Tukwila convention chairman Kevin Charboneau, Tukwila/Portland bourse chairman Scott Loos, Tukwila exhibit chairman and convention assistant Dan Vornbrock (not shown), and Editor/Webmaster/Chief Judge Eric Holcomb.