Treasure Hunt

This page gives information about the popular YN Treasure Hunt and related youth/family activities which typically take place at PNNA conventions and coin shows.

YN Program at PNNA Spring Conventions (Tukwila) – The PNNA YN Treasure Hunt typically takes place on Saturday and Sunday of the annual PNNA Convention. Young numismatists (YNs) ages 17 and under have the opportunity to earn free coins by finding stickers at various “stops” on the bourse floor. The YN program, often run by ANA Past President Walt Ostromecki, is a hit with kids of all ages!! The Boeing Employees Coin Club (BECC) and/or other local coin clubs may assist with the YN program. In 2023-2024, the YN program was run by local volunteers, and was simplified so as not to require visiting “stops” on the bourse floor. For 2025, we’re expecting that Walt Ostromecki will return to run the full program!

YN Program at PNNA Fall Coin Shows (Tukwila) – The PNNA YN Treasure Hunt typically takes place during public show hours on Saturday and Sunday. Young Numismatists (YNs) ages 17 and under have the opportunity to earn free coins by finding stickers at various “stops” on the bourse floor. The YN program, often run by ANA past president Walt Ostromecki, is a hit with kids of all ages!! The Boeing Employees Coin Club (BECC) and/or other local coin clubs may assist with the YN program. A simplified version of this activity took place at the 2023 and 2024 fall shows in Walt’s absence.

Additional Youth/Family activity details for Fall 2021: (Details for other recent years were similar but may have featured different coins, or a simplified version of the program.) In addition to the YN Treasure Hunt at the Tukwila show, there were a couple of other youth-family activities where kids could earn free America the Beautiful (ATB) Quarters and foreign currency. Walt Ostromecki set up an historical display on the last ATB Quarter, the Tuskegee Airmen, also featuring pictures of the Tuskegee Air Women. A P-Mint Tuskegee 2021 Quarter was given out free on an information card to all youth.

YN Program at Portland (Willamette Coin Club) Fall Show – Beginning in 2021, there are separate PNNA and WCC fall coin shows, and both typically have a YN program. See the WCC’s webpage for details on the Portland Fall Coin Show, as it is no longer a PNNA event.

Typical Youth/Family activity details for annual conventions/shows:
(Activities differ from year-to-year and will be simplified when Walt is not available. Please inquire at the show.)

  • 10-stop coin treasure hunt activity for youth and families, as described above.
  • Youth can earn and build a starter foreign currency collection through the hands-on activity “MATCH-Currency with Country.” Each correct match after the first six (from a total of 40) earns one piece of foreign paper money – mostly uncirculated pieces. Parents can assist and learn as well.
  • In the America the Beautiful (ATB) Quarter trivia challenge, youth can build or add to a collection of ATB Quarters to date. Quarters are all uncirculated P or S Mint issues. Youth earn one ATB Quarter for each correct answer after the first six.
  • The final activity is a take on the ANA’s “Treasures in Your Pocket” program which is a hands-on look at U.S. error coin collecting. Youth can search through rolls of coins ‘salted’ with a minor mint error: clip, overdate or mintmark, Large-Small Date 1960 cents, lamination, extra fingers on 2009 Lincoln cent, etc. Each correctly found error piece is the youth’s coin to take home. Eight total possible.

Plan to attend a PNNA coin show in 2025 and participate in the youth/family activities! We’ll see you there.