PNNA Numismatic Collector Exhibit Information

Upcoming Events including annual PNNA spring convention and fall coin show – See this page first for basic information including a list of exhibit classes.
Completed Events
See photos and other information about past winning exhibits. (Now converted to PDF files with photos also available in a separate folder.)
Past PNNA main exhibit award winners
(Includes Best-of-Show and other top awards)
Congratulations to all of our winners!
Numismatic Exhibiting Guide (“How to Exhibit”)
by ANA Chief Judge Joseph E. Boling.
PNNA Detailed Rules for Exhibiting and Judging
New Exhibit Classes! – Please see “New Exhibit Classes Proposal” for details. The new classes were approved by the PNNA in 2019.
PNNA Exhibit Application (Tukwila spring or fall show – fill and save PDF form). The Portland fall show is a separate show run by the Willamette Coin Club – contact them for exhibit information.
Note: Some browsers may not allow filling and saving PDF forms. If necessary, save blank form as a separate file and open with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Also be sure to save the file after you fill it in, whether online (browser) or offline (Reader).
BECC Exhibit Application (January Kent show) – a good warm-up for the PNNA.
PNNA Exhibit Rating Sheet (rev. 2023 with changes approved by the ANA exhibit committee and the PNNA; also includes two pages of explanation).
Collector Exhibit Seminar (Sept. 2014 by Eric Holcomb). This was intended for use in combination with rules/application for the 2015 ANA National Money Show in Portland.
Collector Exhibit Seminar (Jan. 2019 revised and expanded by James Reinders). This is 7MB low-res version. Please inquire if you would like the 70MB high-res file.
An Encouragement to Exhibit
The PNNA Board of Directors has done several things to encourage people to exhibit.
- As of 2019, new exhibit classes allow you to choose the traditional approach by type of material, or the newer approach by theme or topic.
- A monetary award of $200 is given to the Best of Show winner (at the annual convention) to offset expenses to take the exhibit and enter it in ANA competition.
- Exhibit rules were revised to be more in line with ANA rules to make the transition from regional to national exhibiting easier.
- Awards contain an actual coin, token or medal to make them worth something – not just another plaque.
- New display cases were purchased to standardize exhibit sizes and make them more attractive.
- Exhibits are close to the bourse entrance so the public will take notice of the displays. They are in a separate room just across from the entrance, at the annual PNNA spring convention and fall coin show in Tukwila.
- What more can PNNA do to encourage exhibiting? If you have any suggestions or ideas, please let us know. (Please send comments to