Scouting Activities

Photo: James Reinders conducting the Boy Scout coin clinic at the PNNA/Willamette Coin Club fall show and “mini-convention” in Portland, Ore., October 23, 2010. James’ daughter Katie also conducted a Girl Scout coin clinic the same day. For current information about the Reinders’ activities, see the website and e-mail listed below.
Workshops with dates highlighted in BOLD are upcoming.
Note: We work to offer three BSA coin collecting merit badge workshops each year, but we can also help Scouts and Troops on request anytime. Normally, we offer a BSA coin collecting merit badge workshop on Saturday in Tukwila, WA, at each of the two annual (spring and fall) coin shows. There is also a BSA coin collecting merit badge workshop on Saturday in Portland, OR, at Willamette Coin Club’s coin show in the fall. For more information, see below and/or visit
2025 Scouting Workshops
For Seattle area:
- October TBD, 2025: A BSA coin collecting merit badge workshop will be scheduled in Tukwila at the annual fall coin show.
- April 12, 2025: A BSA coin collecting merit badge workshop is scheduled on Saturday, April 12, 2025, at 1 p.m., in Tukwila at the annual convention and spring coin show.
- For questions or to find out how to register for upcoming workshops, contact James Reinders and Tony Kalt at
- Tukwila Community Center map on Google.
2024 Scouting Workshops
For Seattle area: (complete for this year)
- October 5, 2024: A BSA coin collecting merit badge workshop was held on Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024, at 1 p.m., in Tukwila at the annual fall coin show. See flyer for complete information.
- April 13, 2024: A BSA coin collecting merit badge workshop was held on Saturday, April 13, 2024, at 1 p.m., in Tukwila at the annual convention and spring coin show.
For Portland area:
- NOTE: This is at a show held by a PNNA member club (the Willamette Coin Club), also with James Reinders and Tony Kalt making them happen.
November 9, 2024: A BSA coin collecting merit badge workshop was held on Saturday, Nov. 9, 2024, at 1 p.m., in Portland at the Willamette Coin Club’s Portland Coin Show. See flyer for complete information.
Scout Numismatic Workshops being Organized
James Reinders volunteered to help PNNA and local clubs outreach more to scouting programs with numismatic youth programs. James maintains a website ( with information about upcoming scout workshops and the actual requirements for the scouts to complete. James organized the scout clinics for the Portland 2009 and 2015 ANA National Money Shows, and is looking for more opportunities. “I’d like to have workshops at more of the major shows in the Pacific NW – including the ANA, the PNNA and the Salem shows. I’m interested in putting workshops together anywhere we can get scouts together,” James said. James is an active adult leader in Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, and was previously the scoutmaster of a large troop in Oregon. James has done workshops at the PNNA/Willamette fall coin show in Portland (see photo above) and the PNNA spring convention and coin show in Tukwila.
How to contact James Reinders
If you have any suggestions or requests, need more information or want to pre-register, please contact James Reinders at the email address listed on one of the above flyers, or you can email to have your message forwarded to him. Thank you!