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Events / Other News
End of December – The first Quarter 2006 edition of The Nor’wester was mailed. (See online editions page for this and other back issues.)
December 11 – New coin club named! The new coin club meeting at the Tukwila Community Center (the same location as the PNNA spring convention) now has a name – the South King County Coin Club. Interested collectors were invited to attend 2006 meetings on the second Thursday of each month.
December 4 – Happy Holidays! – The PNNA would like to wish everyone a happy holiday season this year. While you’re doing your holiday shopping, why not consider a numismatic gift for someone on your list this year? Possible sources include local coin clubs, coin shows and coin dealers, online auctions such as eBay, and the U.S. Mint.
December 4 – Material Needed for Nor’wester — Editor Eric Holcomb needs material by Dec. 15 for the 1st Quarter 2006 edition of the PNNA’s quarterly publication, The Nor’wester. Please send news, photos, coin club and event announcements, educational material, etc., for possible publication. Thank You!!

PNNA-Willamette Coin Club 1st Annual Fall Convention & Coin Show was held Oct. 29-30, 2005, in Portland, Oregon. As shown here, $1 and $5 PNNA convention scrip were available in limited quantities with serial numbers, and a special hand-struck metal souvenir was also available.
October 3 – 4th Quarter Nor’wester — The 4th Quarter 2005 edition of the PNNA’s newsletter, The Nor’wester, was recently mailed to all paid members. Also see the interesting reports on the 2005 ANA Summer Seminar (in The Nor’wester) written by PNNA scholarship recipients Janna Silverstein and Matthew Crane!
September 23 – In Memoriam: Jim Payne, 1926-2005 – See PNNA memorial page.
September-October – Puyallup Fair – Sept. 9-25 – The PNNA sponsored the annual coin exhibit in the Hobby Hall, with assistance from several local coin clubs. We had handouts including magazine copies, event calendars, a coin club list, wooden nickels and coins for junior collectors! No volunteer is knowledgeable about all aspects of numismatics – if your question wasn’t answered or if you were unable to attend the Fair, please e-mail your question to info@pnna.org, and it will be directed to a local expert for a response. We look forward to “doing the Puyallup” again next year!
July/August – ANA Convention – The American Numismatic Association’s annual World’s Fair of Money® was held July 27-31 at the Moscone West Convention Center in San Francisco, California. See a brief report and photos.
July 17 – Rare Canadian coin set to be auctioned this week – The only privately held Colonial British Columbia $10 and $20 silver and gold coin set was offered at auction on July 22. Please see newsletter #67 at http://www.allnationsstampandcoin.com for details.
July 1 – Washington State accepting quarter design ideas in writing – Only essays of 100 words or less will be accepted. Your essay should say what image you would like to see on the quarter (scheduled for release in 2007), and its significance to Washington. The U.S. Mint will create designs from the winning entries (maximum of 5), and the final selection process will take place in April of 2006. Entries could be submitted either online, or by mail to the Washington State Arts Commission. Entries were due by July 30. The Oregon quarter has already been released. A story by PNNA President Larry Gaye was included in the President’s Message in The Nor’wester.
June 27 – Nor’wester in the Mail — The 3rd Quarter 2005 edition of the PNNA’s quarterly publication, The Nor’wester, was in the mail on Monday June 27.
June 26 – ANA Summer Seminar began June 25 – This popular event, featuring a wide range of week-long numismatic-related courses, began with its first of two sessions on June 25 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. If you’re not going this year, why not consider planning for next year? The PNNA also offers two scholarships each year to attend this event.
May 26 – See the “Design a Quarter” contest winner.
May 15 – See article describing the souvenir “token” design.
May 1 – PNNA Convention a success!! 2005 PNNA Convention in Tukwila – The convention was held the weekend of April 29-30 and May 1, and attendance was excellent, over 1,200 people.
March 31 – Boling wins Everett Memorial Award – PNNA secretary/treasurer Joseph Boling was unanimously selected as the 2005 winner of this award. Congratulations, Joe!