2010 | 2011 (current page) | 2012
Relive the Memories! (Historical information & reports):
Conventions & Coin Shows | Exhibits | Memorabilia | Newsletters
The PNNA-Willamette Coin Club Fall Convention & Coin Show was held Oct. 22-23, 2011, in Portland, OR, with dealer and exhibitor setup on the afternoon of Friday, Oct. 21.
Puyallup Fair! The Fair is over. Please see the message on the Fair page (under Events) if you still have questions about numismatics.
ANA Convention! – The annual World’s Fair of Money® was held Aug. 16-20, 2011, in Chicago. We’re pleased to report that Katie Reinders of Oregon won the best YN exhibit award! See the report.
EAC Highlights! – See highlights of the Early American Coppers May 2011 convention in Portland, including videotaped comments from local members Gene Wiley, Jerry Bobbe and Bim Gander, on the CoinWeek website. (No longer available or search the Coinweek website to see if the story was moved.)
Coin Week! ANA National Coin Week (87th Annual), April 17-23, 2011. Theme: Blue, Gray and Greenbacks.

The 62nd Annual PNNA Convention was held April 8-10, 2011, in Tukwila, WA. As always, the PNNA show featured a large active bourse, exhibits, numismatic theater and club meetings, and a popular young numismatist (YN) program!

Convention Token! A special token or medallion with designs based on early 1800s Haitian coinage (see type description) was available in pewter to attendees at the Tukwila convention with paid admission, while supplies lasted. Be sure to keep your PNNA memorabilia collection going!
ANA/PNNA Counterfeit Detection Seminar was held Jan. 22-23, 2011, in Tukwila, WA.
Newsletters / Other News
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from the PNNA!
Newsletter! The 1st Quarter 2012 edition of The Nor’wester was mailed the week after Christmas, and is also available online (see online editions page).

In Memoriam – The PNNA regrets to report the death on Nov. 11 of Gregory Paul Franck-Weiby (1950-2011) of Silverton, Oregon. Greg was well-known as a numismatist, artist and peace activist, and he designed PNNA convention “tokens” for many years, including the one pictured on this page. Memorial services were held Saturday, December 3 at the Grange Hall in Silverton. Photo: Greg’s 2009 Nystrom Award.
In Memoriam – The PNNA also regrets to report the death of PNNA member dealers George Booth and Joseph Weber in October. The memorial service for George Booth was held on Saturday, Oct. 22.
9/11 Tenth Anniversary – See Numismatic Remembrance article.
Newsletters! The 4th Quarter 2011 edition of The Nor’wester was mailed and is available on this website! The 3rd Quarter 2011 edition of The Nor’wester was mailed on July 5, and is also available on this website! (see online editions page).
In Memoriam – The PNNA regrets to report the deaths of PNNA coin dealers Ed Leitner (on April 28) and Mike O’Hara (in July). This is a great loss to the Northwest collecting community. Both were respected dealers, and Mike was well-known for his coin shop in Silverdale, WA. We have word that Mike’s wife Betsy is currently running the shop.

In Memoriam – The PNNA regrets to report the death on Easter Sunday (April 24) of longtime Willamette Coin Club member Jim Mabry (left in photo, receiving PNNA Presidential Award). This is a great loss to the Northwest collecting community. Jim was an expert and avid collector of tokens (among other areas).
Convention Edition! The 2nd Quarter 2011 convention edition of The Nor’wester was mailed on March 28, and is also available on this website!
Happy New Year! The 1st Quarter 2011 edition of The Nor’wester was mailed on Dec. 29, 2010, and is available on this website! (see online editions page).