ANA District Representatives
The American Numismatic Association (ANA) District Representative Program works directly with members and clubs to promote and expand the hobby through a variety of services. This initiative aims to strengthen communication between the Association and its member clubs, and utilizes talented and enthusiastic District Representatives to achieve this goal.
Please see the ANA District Rep page and the ANA Clubs page for more information or write to ANA Club Representative Staff Contact Sheila Fortenberry (Club Communications Coordinator), Email:, Phone: (719) 482-9848.

Washington representative
Ray Fiorini,

Oregon representative
Danny Bisgaard,, (503) 510-6931.
Eric Holcomb,, (541) 647-1021, edits MintMark, the ANA quarterly club rep program newsletter; in addition to editing this website and The Nor’wester for the PNNA. See the latest issue of MintMark.
If you’re attending a convention or coin show where Danny, Ray or Eric are present, please consider introducing yourself. Also, ANA Past President Walter Ostromecki often helps run the YN program at PNNA conventions and is a great source of information (and items for the kids).
ANA Club Representatives
The ANA Club Representative Program is intended to benefit ANA member clubs, ANA individual members and the ANA itself. Part of a club representative’s job is to make sure that clubs are aware of the ANA resources available to them. If you have any questions about ANA individual or club member benefits (see below), don’t hesitate to ask.
Are you an ANA club rep or a member of an ANA club? Club reps are encouraged to periodically notify their district reps about club activities (especially those that pertain to the ANA), and district reps need to briefly report what’s happening in their district, preferably on a quarterly basis. District reps should attempt to visit clubs within their district at least annually, although the large geographic size of the Northwest can make this difficult. Clubs are encouraged to send news for possible publication in MintMark. (Send to Eric at the address listed above.)
If you are interested in serving in the ANA Club Representative Program, or if your coin club is interested in joining the ANA or getting the most out of a current ANA membership, please contact your District Rep, or contact the ANA directly. If you already belong to an ANA member club, your ANA club representative can help you take advantage of the services and programs offered by the ANA.
Limitations: The ANA Club Representative Program is NOT intended to provide you with numismatic services such as appraisals and buying/selling/trading coins. Please see the ANA Dealer Directory or contact the ANA directly for a list of ANA dealers in your area. Although ANA representatives may act as dealers or consultants, they do so on their own and NOT as representatives of the ANA. You are advised to consult more than one dealer before agreeing to any major numismatic transaction.
ANA Membership & Website
ANA Web Site – The ANA website is In addition to presenting an attractive modern design, the site allows visitors to “Explore the ANA,” including Collector Resources (Tools), Events & Seminars, the ANA Library & Money Museum, and the Community including dealers and clubs. There is also a “members only” area that can be accessed with a username and password.
Sample of ANA membership benefits for clubs:
- Subscription to The Numismatist.
- Free web site hosting (domain name registration required).
- Use of ANA Library (including materials suitable for club meeting programs).
- Discounts on certain ANA services for club members.
- Opportunity to participate in competitions for best club newsletter, best promotion of National Coin Week, etc.
Sample of ANA membership benefits for individuals:
- Subscription to The Numismatist (revamped to appeal more to the average collector). ANA members have online access to this excellent publication and can reduce their annual dues by subscribing online only, rather than receiving paper copies.
- Use of ANA Library.
- Discounts on certain ANA services, including educational programs and ANA Mediation Service.
- Educational programs include the new eLearning Academy.
- Free admission to the two annual ANA coin shows.
- Opportunity to purchase collection insurance at reasonable group rates.
- Opportunity to participate in competitions for best promotion of National Coin Week, best collector exhibit at ANA shows/conventions, etc.
If you would like more information, please contact your ANA club representative and/or visit the ANA website.
Also visit:
ANA events page on the PNNA website. This page includes past ANA convention reports by PNNA members.
PNNA Young Numismatists activities page. This page also summarizes ANA YN activities and projects.